
Facing Goliath Publishing was born from a love of books...

Facing Goliath Publishing began out of nothing more than a love for stories.  Let us help you immerse yourself in a story.

About Facing Goliath Publishing


Facing Goliath Publishing was born out of a love for stories.  Throughout my life, I have always loved a good story. I grew up reading stacks of books and as I grew into my corporate career, I realized how important storytelling was to success.  Storytelling has been how man has communicated since the dawn of time, and our brains our wired to think, communicate, and understand in the flow of a story.

One day, I thought deep about what brought me joy.  I realized that serving God, being present with my family, helping people realize their success through hard work, and a good story rounded out my joy list (and, of course, a good cup of coffee).  These all flowed nicely together for me through my endeavors, except storytelling (unless you counted my financial contribution to authors by buying so many books).

How can I contribute and realize the joy of storytelling?

Thus, Facing Goliath Publishing was born.  Our mission is to bring stories to readers, help them immerse themselves in another world and feel the joy of a good tale.  Also, it is to support authors and help them find their voice to the world.

Ultimately, all of this is built on our foundation of using our God given gifts to serve Him.

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