Flynn Alexander

Flynn Alexander

Now on Sale
Ellie's Minotaur

Ellie Sloan wakes up in an abandoned building with no recollection of how she came to be there.  Chased by a relentless creature, she replays her life one memory at time, trying to find the key to escaping her labyrinth and her pursuer.

About Flynn


Flynn has been writing since he was a kid, writing his first novel at the age of eleven (closely resembling Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park, of which he was a huge fan).  Over the years, he stopped writing as his life led him in a different direction.  Periodically, he would jot ideas down in a notebook for potential novels, but he never returned to it or had the courage to write in earnest.

That is, until his daughter inspired him to pick up writing again.  He is excited for his debut novel Ellie's Minotaur to reach the hands of readers.  An idea that he noted ten years ago with a single sentence on a drive has now become a story of growth and strength.

Flynn's favorite past times outside of writing include his family, hockey, coffee, reading, and serving God in anyway he is led.

You can find him on X (formerly Twitter) at @FlynnAlexanderr.

Praise for Flynn Alexander

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